August 06, 2009

Speaking of Donkeys

It seems Your Daily Donkey has chosen to become a little competitive. Gee...notice anything similar? Are you really that insecure, dude? We're both trying to accomplish the same thing here. Am I right? Why the shenanigans?


  1. What an assclown! WYD, I mean. McCaughnahey too.

  2. how funny! when I found your blog (fucksups.blogspot) I didn't really look at the url.

    Those pics were on a Yahoo promo, probably an honest coincidence you both posted same day. Or is WYD running both sites, starting a war with himslef??? hahahahaha

  3. It's not the pictures so much as the blatant rip-off of Sweeper Nation that gets me. Donk move.

  4. wait, is this what they call "disinformation?" Nasty Republicans!

  5. the good news is that there are two sites mocking Janitors

  6. Yeah, but, with one name coming up, it almost defeats the purpose. Daily Donkey kooked it. I think he SUPs.

  7. LOL. Good morning Sally!

    I'm sorry, but your blog name was not on my radar. I didn't realize that this blog even existed until I checked my traffic sources on YDD just now.

    A poster on my blog suggested that I start a blog with the name as a joke, I checked the URL with blogspot and it was free, and there it was.

    I didn't mean to soil your pants.

    Don't worry, I won't steal too much of your traffic.

  8. After browsing your little piece of the jungle here, I noticed one thing in're actually the one ripping my goods. Check a few of your posts (the Wedge pic, the "prelude" post)....and then check the posting dates. Who's ripping who off? LMFAO.

    Later sally!

  9. I only post what people send me, Beatrice. I'm not ripping "your" photos, nor, do I check to see if the photos I'm sent are posted elsewhere. FAIL.

    I'm not concerned about traffic outside of getting more people aware of the lunacy of SUPs in our lineups. I don't have an ego in this blogging game. I know you and I know your online ego is HUGE. You should not let it get in the way. It's counter productive i this instance.

    Keep the URL but change the name. That's the right thing to do.

  10. LOL. You're funny. "Fail".

    If you "know" me, then you realize that I have no ego, online or otherwise.

    Keep up the good fight sally! At least we agree on one thing...the SUP's have got to go.

  11. What a bunch of FAGZ!
